When I sat down to write today, I actually had to think about the url I was typing to get to my blog--it's been that long! April is coming to a close; it has been a great month, and I am so excited to share it's happenings with you :) Here we go!
(Side note: I apologize, for formatting issues...something is going on when I add photos, and I'm not sure how to fix it!)
The Binder Clip Mystery
So, at the beginning of the school year, I started off with a huge container of binder clips on my desk that looked something like this:
Now, I understand that my bobby pins often disappear--I leave them in random places, and sometimes bend a few the wrong way and end up throwing them away. I get that my socks disappear--ever heard of the sock monster in your dryer? I've definitely got one of those. Even Tupperware disappears, but it always seems to show up at a friend's house or in a kitchen cabinet where it doesn't belong.
The disappearance of binder clips, though, is a mystery to me! They are some of my most-used classroom items; it's rare that I use a paper clip because I'd rather grab a binder clip when I go to the copier, when I collect an assignment, or to hold the page in my planner/a book. So where do they go?!?! Does anyone else have this same disappearance in their classroom/office/life?!?
Our Class Garden
Since we learned about plants last week, we planted our own little garden! Once these plants have flowers on them (we planted zinnias in our room), we’ll send them home, but look at how nicely they’re sprouting! I can’t wait to have a windowsill in full bloom :)
Originally I thought we would water them every day, but these plants are not as “thirsty” as I thought! We had some flooded soil at first; now we’ve been watering about every other/every third day and it seems to be working out well! Fingers crossed that we’ll have petals in the next week or two!
The Solar System
This Friday, we finished our study of the relationship of the sun and the moon, and one of the things I showed my students were different constellations. I showed them just the stars first, and then I would “connect the dots” to make the constellation. For a few of them, I started off by asking what they thought the stars would connect to become; my favorite were the responses for what the stars Big Dipper would create:
- a wagon
- a shopping cart
- a vacuum
- a basket
- a dragon
Looks like I’ve got some future astronomers in my class :) I hope their imaginations never stop flowing!
More solar system fun (pictures of the Sun and Earth):
More solar system fun (pictures of the Sun and Earth):
"The sun is far away from the Earth" |
I like this one--check out Mercury! |
"The Sun does NOT move, only Earth!" |
Another one bites the dust...
...Pencil sharpener that is. As of yesterday, we've now gone through three pencil sharpeners this year...that's got to be a record, right?!? It looks like I will be sharpening pencils in another classroom or in the office for the remainder of the school year!
Student Work That Makes Me Smile
Me: “What is this beautiful drawing of?”
Student: “That’s you, Ms. Weissberg! See? You’re running!”
Me: “And what is this over here?”
Student: (giving me a duh look) “It’s a bench with your water bottle on it in case you get thirsty!”
We had Field Day earlier this month, and one of the activities was a "hydration station" where kids could also use chalk on the sidewalks. A few of my students called me over to proudly show off their work:
Looking over homework to make sure it's completed can be tedious, but I love when I come across little gems like #4:
When we made this "have, need, give" idea chart before learning about plants, I was humbled by some of my kiddos responses! Look at some of the things they need and give :)
Straight from the Mouths of First Graders!
Second Grade
Now that we are getting closer to the end of the year, my kiddos think that second grade is right around the corner. Sometimes they think that on Monday they will be in second grade, sometimes they think that when this month is over they will go to second grade, and sometimes they think it’s tomorrow. Last week, one of my kiddos asked when he was going to second grade and when I responded with, “In September…are you trying to leave my class soon?!?” His answer was: “No, Ms. Weissberg, I just want to go to second grade so I can learn more.” Melt my heart a little more, why don’t ya…
Student: “Moms have great vision.”
Me: “What do you mean?” [I intentionally ignored the fact that my kiddos still think I’m a mom, despite reminding them that the only children I have are the 19 that come to class in Room 106 Monday-Friday.]
Student: “They see everything. They’re like superheroes!”
Student 1: “Ms. Weissberg, I know why they call it a sneaker. In the olden days, they used to have squeakers, but they were so noisy, so in now days, they have sneakers so that you can be quieter.”
Student 2: “And sneak up on people! That’s why they’re sneakers!”
Student 1: “Do you know what ‘epic’ means?”
Student 2: “Nope.”
Student 1: “It’s another word for awesome. It’s even more awesomer than awesome!”
Me: “Are you going to hang this artwork in your bedroom?”
Student: “Oh yeah! … But, actually, Ms. Weissberg, I don’t call it my bedroom.”
Me: “What do you call it?”
Student: “My bedroom? I call it my man cave.”
The best are the things you hear students say when they think you’re not listening:
“Did you know that Ms. Weissberg can read really fast and understand all the words??”
“Did you know Ms. Weissberg is a teacher and an artist?!? Look what she drew!” [Don’t get too excited…it was just a doodle of a flower!]
[I ate lunch in my classroom with a few of my students the other day and needed to use the restroom, so I used the one in my room.] “Did you know Ms. Weissberg goes to the bathroom?!? Yeah, I saw her go into the bathroom!”
First Grade Dictionary
ficst = fixed
bandach = bandage
wocked = walked
Last week, we had a math consultant come provide professional development for teachers, and when he did a demo lesson in another 1st grade classroom, he used an overhead projector. Remember those? The kids were entranced by it! When water was squirted on it to erase the marker, there was a collective "ooooooohhhhhh" from the kiddos--it was hilarious! Most adults would walk into a classroom today and think that a SmartBoard was cool because it is new, but I just thought it was funny that an overhead is old and the kids thought it was the neatest thing!
Books, Books, Books!
In college, I had to make multiple "text sets" for reading classes, but being a teacher in my own classroom now, it is much more relevlant to make them now because I have a class in mind when I am picking out books. For first graders, these are some awesome books I've found!
Books about Plants
Grow Flower Grow, by Lisa Bruce
Rose's Garden, by Peter H. Reynolds
(I loved this book, and so did my class! The character in this book, Rose, shows that a little bit of patience and faith can have big pay-offs. The pictures are beautiful--the book starts off in mostly black and white as Rose begins her journey, and by the end, there is color flowing off every page. Reynolds also wrote another favorite of mine, The Dot.)
(A page from the book--beautiful!) |
Flower Garden, by Eve Bunting
The Tiny Seed, by Eric Carle
(Anything Eric Carle is almsot guaranteed to catch the attention of first graders--and me!--and this one has been a favorite of mine for years. I love it because it talks about all the things plants need in just one book!)
Thea's Tree, by Alison Jackson
(A Jack-in-the-beanstalk type book with awesome illustrations. Funny, too!)
We Planted a Tree, by Diane Muldrow
(Even though this one talks about planting trees, it also talks about families on different sides of the world who do different things, lead different lives, and have different communities. Hits on a lot of great points all at once--love it when a book can do that!)
Books about Recycling and Earth Day
Earth Day isn't a standard that we have to teach, but I think it's important and fun, so we wove it into our lessons in Room 106 :) Here were the books we read:
Earth Day--Hooray!, by Stuart J. Murphy
(I swear I would read every book that Murphy has written to my class if we had enough time. He writes a series called "Math Start," which incorporates real math and science into fictional story-lines.)
Garbage and Recycling, by Rosie Harlow and Sally Morgan
(A nonfiction text with lots of words--used this one more for the pictures than anything else!)
Let's Take Care of the Earth, by Rozanne Lanczak Williams
Miss Fox's Class Goes Green, by Eileen Spinelli
(Miss Fox's class does lots of fun things! We've read Miss Fox's Class Shapes Up when we talked about nutrition; Spinelli also has a book about Miss Green's class earning a field trip and celebrating peace week.)
Recycle, by Gail Gibbons
(Who doesn't like Gail Gibbons? This one talks about the recycling process, with classic Gibbons illustrations.)
Something Old, Something New: Recycling, by Anita Ganeri
The Earth and I, by Frank Asch
(Love Frank Asch!)
Why Should I Recycle?, by Mike Gordon
(Another series book. Gordon also has Why Should I books about protecting nature, eating well, and listening.)
Books about the Solar System
The Magic School Bus, Lost in the Solar System, by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen
(I think I've said this before, but in my next life, I want to be Miss Frizzle. I've already got the curly hair and enthusiasm (at least I like to think so!)...now I just need a magic bus!)
Stars! Stars! Stars!, by Bob Barner
The Big Dipper, by Franklyn M. Branley
It seems unreal that I'll be changing the class calendar to May on Tuesday! I hope your Aprils come to a wonderful close as the weather keeps getting warmer and summer gets closer!
I promise the next post will come sooner than in a month--I love writing long posts because it let's be gush about my kiddos for hours on end (writing, loading pictures, writing more, organizing the blog...), but it's exhausting!
Thanks for stopping by--I can't tell you how much it means!
Endless love from Room 106,