Today we had a teacher workday, which was VERY productive! Hopefully in the coming week or two, you will be able to see the fruits of today's labor :) Those filing cabinets I mentioned last week? Well, they're filling up quite nicely! I cannot believe the amount of resources that I have been lucky enough to collect: starting in practicum experiences and student teaching in college and now in a classroom of my own, it's amazing how fast the collection grows!
Not too much to report on from the kid-front today (since they weren't in school!), but here are some of the notable things from the past couple days since I've written last!
Back to 21
Remember the excitement of getting a new student? Well, my class and I were also able to feel the pang of losing a student last week. One of my student's last day was on Friday, which was really tough. When you spend almost 40 hours a week with a kiddo, you and the other kiddos get attached! It was hard to say goodbye, but we made a lovely going-away book, and spent some quality time together as a class on this one's last day. And, as you could probably predict, we read some great books :) These were the two we read for saying farewell on Friday:
Student 1: "I think I lost my library books, Ms. W."
Student 2: "Did you look in the laundry?"
Student 3: "Did you check the top shelf of your dresser?"
Student 4: "Did you look under your sister's bed?"
Student 1: "I forgot under her bed! I'll look there tonight!"
Student: "Ms. W, that book gave me a sore throat."
Me: "Really? How'd it do that?"
Student: "It had a lot of words. It hurt my throat because there were a lot of big words!"
Student 1: "Ms. W, I can count to 100."
Me: "That's great! Can you show me?"
Student 1: "One, two, skip a few, 99...100!"
Me: "Haha, that joke was around when I was in elementary school."
Student 1: "Well, then it came back!"
Student 2: " that really true, Ms. W? Was it really around that long ago?!?"
Student: "Ms. W, I'm so excited for my lunch today. My mom packed me a very special one."
Me: "What did your mom pack you that's so special?"
Student: "My favorite--a peanut butter and banana sandwich!"
Me: "Yum! I had peanut butter and a banana on an English muffin for breakfast this morning!"
Student: "Really? You eat those kinds of sandwiches, too??"
(This was almost as good as the day my students found out that I lived in a real apartment instead of at school or in a hotel!)
I'll leave you with a quote that I found in an old notebook I found when I was cleaning my classroom earlier:
"The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book." --Unknown
It can be really easy sometimes to just follow the directions of teachers manuals and think that it "does the trick," but I am a true believer that students know exactly where you are teaching from. When it comes from the heart, it's just better. Like when your mom makes you a peanut butter and banana sandwich or you read a book good enough to make your throat's just better.
This week is off to a great start...can't wait for the kiddos to be back in school tomorrow. Room 106 is just, well, better, with 22 people instead of only one :)
Love from Room 106,