Wow. I cannot believe it is
February! Time is flyyyyyiiiiinnnnnggggg in Room 106!
When the kiddos got to school yesterday, I had February's calendar all set up, and they were really excited that I had all the number cards up already (reversed, so you can't see the actual numbers). Typically, we add the numbers as the days come up, and there is always a pattern with the color of the numbers, but this inevitably leads to someone rummaging through a baggie of numbers to find the right one of the right color that follows our pattern. So--it only took till February, but--I finally solved the problem :)
Also, Leap Day caused quite the discussion! I got a lot of looks that said, "Ms. W, how can there just be an extra day every couple of years??" I love moments like this :)
Sometimes I come home with a pencil behind my ear. Other days I will find an eraser or math "tool" (pattern block, tile, the occasional Unifix cube) in my pocket. About once every other week I realize that a kiddo has given me a lunch money reminder when we are leaving the cafeteria--that I always mean to put in their agendas--and I find it when I get home. I really should put these in some sort of box to see how much I can collect in a year, but I haven't done this.
Well, today, I hit an all-time high in my collections count. I wore my hair in a bun and somehow, by the end of the day, had a pencil and a pen sticking through it like chopsticks. However, I didn't know this...and I made it through the grocery store and on a six-mile run when I got home with said writing utensils in my hair. In addition to this, I also had five pennies and six multi-colored beads in my pocket. I should really start taking a look in the mirror before I leave school!
Money sing-a-long
Earlier this week we began our math unit on money, so to get the ball rollin' I taught my class a little song about money--it is one that another teacher taught me while I was student teaching in first grade and is really more of a jingle. At the end of the song it says, "a penny is one, a nickel is five, a dime is ten, and a quarter's twenty-five." My kiddos picked up on it quickly, and I think it has really helped them grasp the concept of coin value--a tricky one to get, especially in a time when so much of our spending is with credit cards!
Well, today, as the class was picking up indoor recess things and I was setting things up for math, I heard one of my students start singing the money song. More of a soft murmur, but the next thing I knew, another one was singing along. Then, it was as if a magic spell had come over my classroom, because all recess games were picked up, every student was sitting on the rug, and there was a sweet harmony of, "a penny is one, a nickel is five..." swirling around my classroom. I wish I could have bottled up that moment!
Report cards...check!
I thought that maybe after doing my first set of report cards back in November that maybe they got easier and less time-consuming the more you do them, but that was just wishful thinking :) Regardless--quarter two report cards are done! Woohoooo!
Little Bear
Time for another author study! This time it's Else Holmelund Minarik and the Little Bear series. There is now a television show about Little Bear, so the kiddos have already been exposed to the characters and the stories, but, as one of my students said yesterday, "(sigh) sometimes the stories in the book are just so much better to listen to when a grown-up reads them than they are on TV." That's all I need to hear to justify my love for reading aloud to children and to give reason to why I do it so often in my classroom...
There are more Little Bear books in the line-up, but so far, we've enjoyed Little Bear and Little Bear's Friend.
This short week that started off with a teacher workday has flown by, and tomorrow's already Friday! For everyone that's workin' for the weekend, I hope your end-of-the-work-week comes together nicely!
It's nice to be back into the blogging swing of things...fingers crossed that I can keep up this frequency of posts through June :)
Love from Room 106,