Sunday, September 4, 2011

Welcome to Room 106

An avid follower of many blogs myself, I figured that it was time to take a stab at the blogging world for myself!  (I have to say--I think the hardest part about jumping into blogging was choosing a name!  It probably took me almost an hour to think of one I liked, and then the name was taken, so it was back to the drawing board.  After more pondering, and then deciding on a template--which will likely change multiple times--here I am!)  A new teacher to a class of 21 first graders, I'm not sure of how regular my contributions to the blogosphere will be, but I'm going to try my hardest :)

This past week of inservices, trainings, meetings, and setting up my classroom was enough to keep me at school from about sun-up to sun-down, but heading into my first day, I feel pretty prepared!  I have a wonderful team, and the other teachers that I share the downstairs hallway with are fabulous--the team of teachers and support staff that I will be working with this coming year have made me feel so at home and prepared.  I've got a good feeling that the "at home" feeling isn't going anywhere, and my fingers are crossed that the "prepared" part will stick around for a while, too.

Last Thursday was our Open House, and I got to meet a dozen of my kiddos and their parents (and some siblings, too!).  It was SUCH a great night, and after a week of agonizing whether my classroom would ever be put together in time for the visits, I left school breathing easy that everything came together.

As the first day of school approaches this coming Tuesday, I thought I'd give y'all a tour of my classroom.  There are still finishing touches that need to be added--many of which are sitting on my living room floor ready to be brought to school and hung up/placed around the room before the kiddos arrive--but c'est la vie!

Welcome to Ms. W's class!

Here's standing right inside the doorway looking toward the front of the room--those of you that have ever visited our apartment downtown at Urban will recognize my reading chair :)  (Also, a tip I received: you'll notice that there's a pattern on the wall behind the chair and also above the white board.  I covered all my bulletin boards with fabric (right now it's back-to-school themed), which was super-easy to hang and doesn't fade, so I can use it year after year!  I personally think that patterned fabric is cuter than plain butcher paper from the copy room, but to each his own...)

And if you step into the classroom a little bit more and turn to the left, you can see most of the classroom--I can't tell y'all how many times I reorganized the furniture, but after about half a dozen configurations, I think I finally found a lay out I can live with!

My library...still aesthetically unpleasing to me, but I'm working on it!  (This beautification project, I decided, was not as important as, say, figuring out my first week's lesson plans.  I'll let you know how it shapes up as I work on it!)  My desk begins at the left edge of this photo, but is still a war-zone, so it was [strategically] not photographed :)

This photo is taken from about the middle of the room looking at the back left corner (opposite back corner of the computers/library).  You'll see a little word wall action some sweet student mail boxes (on the right side of the picture) that I inherited from the teacher who lived in this room before me, and, in the back corner, a bathroom!  Though I've received plenty of cautionary tips about children using the bathroom, I am selfishly realllly excited about this part of my classroom because of my love for coffee and water--now I have no reason to have to limit my intake of either!

Here's a view from the library-area with a view of the doorway side of the classroom.  I have TONS of cabinet and shelf space in my classroom--what.a.dream.  There's lots of blank space right now, but those blank cabinet doors are just begging to be a display case for student work!  I just need to collect some from the kiddos on Tuesday :)

I've spent the last 18 August/Septembers of my life beginning the school year as a student--here's to starting my first as a teacher!

Love from Room 106,

1 comment:

  1. I want to be your student! Love what you've done with your space. Have a fabulous first day with your kiddos on Tuesday!
