Oh! It feels so great to be back on the blog on a more regular basis :) A couple of happenings from this Monday in Room 106:
Our fresh produce this afternoon was oranges. They were cut into slices, so thank goodness they were super-easy for my kiddos to eat! We usually have an extra piece of produce or two in our basket, but this afternoon, we were actually three oranges short :( When I noticed this, I asked the class if anyone would be interested in sharing with their classmates, and I could not contain my joy as every hand shot up in the air with an orange slice to share. Looks like the season of giving has begun in my classroom--there was enough citrus to go around this afternoon!
Reading Growth
So, we have a fabulous book room at school, with book sets galore for all of us to use for our guided reading groups. Well, I have to admit that I am really great at checking books out of the book room, but not always so great at returning them. When I went to put books back the other day, I was beside myself with pride for the progress that my kiddos have made this past year--some of the books that I was putting away were ones that my students read about two months ago, and waiting this long to return books showed me the growth that they have made. Let me tell y'all, teaching in the grade where children are supposed to build their reading foundations is a lot of pressure, but moments like these give me faith that in June (fingers crossed!) all my kiddos will be leaving me completely ready for second grade!
Just a short one for today...more as the week goes on!
Love from Room 106,
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