Monday, October 3, 2011

The essence of teaching

Mondays always seem to fly by; I don't know if it's that it's the first day back to school after the weekend or what, but today was no exception.  As the first school day of October, I realized that though my kiddos know their months, they are still lacking a "real" concept of time--half of them came in this morning exclaiming that "Halloween is in three days!!!!"  (Well, there were a couple variations of this exclamation, but somehow everyone that said it to me inserted a single-digit number into their "Halloween is ___ days away" interjection.)  Gotta love it--and please send good vibes my way for when Halloween actually does arrive, because I feel like it might be one of the most manic Mondays of my life.

There are so many things that I have photographed or saved to my computer to share, but for tonight, I just wanted to share this:

"If children are unable to learn, we must assume that we have not yet found the right way to teach them."
-- Marie Clay

Every child is different, but each one of them deserves to learn.  Maybe it's hard, and maybe it's tiring, and maybe you'd never think that there are countless ways to teach two plus two, but when a colleague passed this quote along, I couldn't help but smile at how true it is.  This, y'all is the essence of teaching.  This is what this job is all about.

Let the October countdown to Halloween begin!

Love from Room 106,

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