Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"That's tight!"

Yes, that's right, one of my kiddos has learned the word "tight."  I probably heard a half dozen times today, "Ohhh Ms. W., that's tiiiight."  I can't decide if I want this lingo to stick and spread to others or not.  I guess time will tell!

Some other highlight stories and thoughts:
  • Yesterday, I wore my glasses to school because my eyes were bothering me.  Even though my glasses are rim-less and you can barely see them, about half of my class did.  I got a couple of "those are pretty!" a few "you look different!" and handful of "you got glasses?"  But my favorite comment came from a student who walked into class, did a double-take of me, and said, "Looks like we've got a scientist for a teacher today!  Wow, this is gonna be good!"  I guess this explains the saying that teachers wear many hats...
  • Other teachers, I know you will agree with this, and even if you don't teach, I bet you can relate: so many of my things from home end up at school and things from school end up at home.  Case in point: today, I brought home three coffee mugs that I had left at work, and similarly, I tomorrow I need to bring back to school the extra pencils, stapler, and rubber bands that somehow got home with me.  This is why in childrens' fantasies, teachers live in their classrooms--that way, it's all in one place!
  • Today, one of our glass pencil jars broke :(  Was it smart of me to put pencils in a glass jar on a counter and have six-year-olds reach for new pencils?  Probably not.  But even after the mess was cleaned up (everyone was safe and unharmed), I was still a little bummed.  Time to go out and buy a plastic one!
  • One of my students was reading a book (Mercer Mayer's There's an Alligator Under my Bed) from the school library this afternoon; the book was a bit above his reading level, but he is strong reader, so as I watched him look at the pages, I figured he might actually be able to make it through.  He did :)  When he finished reading, he came over to me and said, "I thought this book might be a little too hard for me, but I read all the words, Ms. W!"  The only thing that could have made this moment better was if I had a camera in my hands to capture his smile and the happiness he was radiating.

  • Speaking of books, we are starting an author study on Mo Willems--so fun!  What a great author and illustrator, and his books are not only funny, but have some sort of moral/meaning to them, too :)  Our book today was Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, and even if you aren't a teacher, please consider reading this hilarious story:

I've started placing pads of post-it notes all over the classroom because there are all these fantastic moments that happen during the day that I just want to capture.  By putting them all over the place, I can write down an event or a reminder right away so that I can re-create it for myself (and for y'all) later.  I'm getting better about writing them down, then I just have to try to translate my scribble when I sit down to blog!

As I was talking to my dad on the phone this afternoon, he said, "so, how are our kids doing?"  My reply was, "our kids?? You mean my class?"  And he said, "well, I just read about them every night, so I feel like they are my class a little, too."  Thanks for your kind words, Dad, and for loving my kiddos even though you've never met them :)

A sounding-off note (and disclaimer): sorry if there are typos or grammatical errors in the postings on this blog.  As much as I try to re-read, sometimes they slip!  I'd say that any errors come from me a) being so excited about what I'm writing that I trip over my words as I write them, and b) being exhausted, but wanting to get all the great parts of my job into the blog-o-sphere.  Hopefully it's more a) than b), but I would say that it's usually a nice little combo :)

Made it past Hump Day--here's to the last couple days of the week!

Love from Room 106,

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